The Jetty

A photo in Smithsonian Science
Chuffed that one of my photos, Wrasse in the Blue, has been published in Smithsonian Science.
All my images are published with a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial license, and I love it that one of them has been chosen in such an incredible source of science based learning.
The Jetty
It is always amazing to discover the photographic opportunities that lay waiting in your home area.
Living in the Sutherland Shire, I often drive straight down the Princes Highway when getting up early for sunrise photos, yet one beautiful opportunity is a private jetty in nearby Sylvania Waters.
The jetty is under a private lease and is private property, but the beach is public access, so I tend to wander down to the beach and shoot from the the sand immediately adjacent to the jetty.
This image has been created with a touch of blur added in MacPhun’s excellent ‘Focus Pro’ app, which I use as an add in in Aperture (still).